Who We Are

We Are Faith Walkers

You are so welcome here. Welcome home! Faith Walkers Community Church is on a mission to build a true community of believers in Christ around the world.

Our Story

During the pandemic we learned that the four walls of the church are limited, and we must extend outside of them to fulfill the Great Commission mandated to us by Jesus in Matthew 28:16-20. In vs. 19 Jesus said, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit.” As Faith Walkers, we believe that in this Christian Life we must “go.” We must move, making disciples through the Gospel.

You may be looking for a new church home, seeking spirituality, looking for fellowship or simply searching for an avenue to use your gifts to do God’s work with no strings attached. You might even be looking to just worship virtually (be a digital disciple). No matter the circumstance or place, we’ll go with you wherever you are on your spiritual journey. From California to Georgia, Louisiana, Indiana, anywhere. It doesn’t matter where you are, you can be a part of Faith Walkers Community Church.

Our Vision

The foundation of our vision is simple. It’s not about membership; it’s about building a community of believers in Christ, caring about one another, and fulfilling the Great Commission in our everyday lives. Our vision is to help you become a fully devoted follower of Christ through these 5 pillars: faith, family, finance, fitness, and fellowship.
Ready to take the next step? We’re ready to “go” with you.

Meet Our Pastor

Dr. Brian L. Webb, Jr

Dr. Brian L. Webb, Jr. is the Founding and Senior Pastor of Faith Walkers Community Church.

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Contact Us

If you have any questions about who we are or what we believe, contact us below.

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